NAD+ Provider

NAD+ Provider

One of the best and most effective IV Infusions we have at Warriorz of Wellness is the amazing, high-powered NAD+ (Nicotine Adenine Dinucleotide). It has a wide array of benefits that range from weight loss, as it increases energy and revs up the metabolism; to Increasing energy levels and productivity while fighting fatigue, to Repairing damaged tissues due to inflammation, to Anti-aging effects as it restores the appearance of the skin and also reduces wrinkles. It has shown awesome effects in brain function restoration, as it improves overall brain health and neurological function, promoting mental clarity, focus, concentration, memory, and mood. It has even been linked to addiction recovery as far back as the 1960's, as it drastically reduces cravings and other symptoms associated with withdrawal from opioids, alcohol, and nicotine. Make sure to check all our available doses of NAD+, and if you need help choosing the right therapy send us message through the contact form below or call us at 832-799-9779.